A Closer Look at the MICCAI 2022 K2S Challenge Winners

By Upasana Bharadwaj, MD

Each year the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) host a variety of workshops, challenges, and tutorials. Challenges have become an integral part of MICCAI conferences in the past years. This year, the UCSF Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) hosted a challenge titled K2S: from under sampled K-space to automatic Segmentation.

There were two major problems in this competition - a problem of under sampled volumetric k-space and a problem of 3d segmentation of volumetric medical images. The goal of the K2S-challenge was to find an accurate segmentation for under sampled knee MRI data. Teams were tasked with developing segmentation models for anatomical structures (cartilage, bone) from 8x under sampled, multi-channel k-space data of 3D FSE-Cube MRI sequences. Let’s congratulate and highlight the winners of this year’s challenge and provide a short overview of their work.

First place - RegSeg - combining image regression with segmentation

Jan Nikolas Morshuis, Paul Fischer, Matthias Hein and Christian Baumgartner from the University of Tubingen introduced RegSeg, a method that combines the regression problem of blurry image-reconstruction with segmentation. The RegSeg architecture consists of two parts. The first part is a regression network that has been trained to reconstruct the fully sampled image given the under sampled image. The second part consists of a segmentation network that predicts a segmentation from the reconstruction as well as the under sampled image.

Second place - Volumentic segmentation from undersampled k-space

Artem Razumov and Dmitry V. Dylov from the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology created a solution that has two main parts: a method of reconstruction from under sampled k-space and deep learning model for 3d image segmentation.

Third place - a fully automated end-to-end pipeline for generating high-resolution multi-class knee segmentations from undersampled k-space

Stephen Fransen and Quintin van Lohuizen from the University Medical Center Groningen submitted a fully automated end-to-end pipeline for generating high-resolution multi-class knee segmentations from under sampled k-space. Their system can simultaneously segment large bones and small cartilages with high accuracy. Their proposed method leveraged patch-based self-ensembling to increase the stability of the predictions and uses a sliding window to generate high-resolution predictions of varying sizes. Their pipeline consisted of three main steps: K-space reconstruction, deep learning-based segmentation, and misclassification removal.

Fourth place - using deep learning-based approach for knee segmentation from under-sampled data

Xiaoxia Zhang, Marcelo Zibetti, Hector De Moura, Radhika Tibrewala, Kaning Liu and Ravider Regatte from the NYU School of Medicine created a two-step method consisting of deep learning-based (DL-based) reconstruction and the DL-based segmentation. The fully sampled k-space data is under-sampled by applying the provided mask templates. The under-sampled data is separated into slices for reconstruction. Using ESPIRiT, they obtained coil sensitivity maps and under-sampled images. The fully sampled k-space data is also reconstructed to images using ESPIRiT and are used as targets to train the network.

Overall, submissions were evaluated in an end-to-end fashion from under sampled k-space data to segmentation on a test set of 50 fat-suppressed FSE-Cube sequences (under sampling pattern same as training data). Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all teams who participated. We will see you all again next year.

Header image depicting the UCSF Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) MICCAI challenge titled "K26: from undersampled K-Space to automatic segmentation"