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Melanie Morrison, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in residence in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging at UCSF, and a core member of the UCSF-UC Berkeley Joint PhD Program in Bioengineering. She received her BSc in Integrated Sciences at Carleton University in Ontario, Canada, before completing her PhD at the University of Toronto. In 2016 she joined UCSF's Radiology Department as a postdoc, working under Dr. Janine Lupo primarily on brain tumor projects until summer 2022.
Since 2019, Dr. Morrison's independent research has been focused on the clinical translation and integration of advanced MRI techniques to improve neurosurgical interventions and neuromodulation therapies for neurologic and neuropsychiatric conditions. Her research group leverages multimodal 3T and 7T MRI data to: (1) develop and test new strategies for precise brain targeting in neuromodulation, (2) derive predictive imaging markers of treatment efficacy for patients' motor, cognitive and behavioral symptoms, and (3) evaluate brain function in real-time during brain neuromodulation to further our understanding of underlying therapeutic mechanisms. Both image processing and statistical modeling techniques are implemented at the core of this translational research, with a strong emphasis on method transparency, reproducibility, and accessibility. Currently, these exciting projects are supported by three UCSF seed grants, an NIMH R21 grant, and an NINDS R01 grant.
As a first-generation academic, Dr. Morrison is very passionate about mentorship, outreach, and providing equal opportunities in academia for underrepresented minority trainees and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.