Meet the 2023 UCSF Center for Intelligent Imaging Summer Fellows

By UCSF ci2 team

We're so excited to welcome our five summer fellows to UCSF's Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2)! One of our pillars is Education and we are passionate about providing research and learning opportunities in the areas of artificial intelligence and biomedical imaging to high school, undergraduate and graduate students.

Our summer fellows work one-on-one with a lab leader and contribute to publishable research at the intersection of medical imaging and machine learning. Meet the fellows below!

Patrick Liu

Student at Harvey Mudd College interested in machine learning, robotics and medical imaging

Faculty Mentor: Srikantan Nagarajan, PhD

"My excitement for the summer fellowship stems from the opportunity to dive deeper into the intersection of machine learning and medical imaging, a focus of Dr. Nagarajan's research," said Patrick. "I'm eager to contribute to this cutting-edge field, refine my skills and explore real-world implications. This fellowship perfectly aligns with my interests, promising a fulfilling journey of discovery and learning that I'm thrilled to embark on."

David Mikhael

David Mikhael, 2023 intern at ci2

Senior at Minerva University studying data science and cognitive neuroscience

Faculty Mentor: Melanie Morrison, PhD

"I previously interned at ci2 and gained proficiency working with MEG data. I also conducted behavioral neuroscience experiments at the Stowers Institute for medical research. I have hands-on experience with fMRI through summer projects and my graduation thesis, utilizing Connectome Workbench and Python libraries for preprocessing and analysis. Passionate about studying mental disorders, my aim is to pursue a Ph.D. in Computational Neuroscience to further the development of effective diagnoses and treatments," said David. "I am looking forward to enhancing my skills using supervised and unsupervised models to analyze fMRI data and generate insights into treatments for Parkinson's. I am also excited to work with Dr. Morrison and the team throughout this process."

Lucia Ward

Lucia Ward, ci2 intern

Sophomore at Georgetown University studying math and computer science

Faculty Mentor: Ashish Raj, PhD

"I am very interested in learning about how to harness AI and machine learning and am excited to apply computational methods to neuroimaging to improve patient outcomes," said Lucia.

Phil Xie

Phil Xie, ci2 intern

Junior at UC Berkeley studying electrical engineering, computer science and bioengineering.

Faculty Mentors: Abhejit Rajagopal, PhD, and Peder Larson, PhD

"Motivated by the vast potential of clinical AI and my family's medical history, I am interested in applying machine learning to solve biomedical imaging and device problems, such as cancer detection and brain-computer interfacing," said Phil. "This summer is the start of my second year of working with Dr. Rajagopal and Dr. Larson on developing novel deep learning methods for segmenting and classifying cancer MRI images. Over the next few months in this fellowship, I am excited to upgrade my maturity in researching and developing new machine learning systems, analyzing medical images and writing (and perhaps publishing) my first manuscript in the field!"

Isabel Yu

Isabel Yu, intern at ci2

Junior at UC Berkeley studying molecular and cell biology, with an emphasis on neurobiology, and data science.

Faculty Advisor: Galateia Kazakia, PhD

"My research interests are focused on how the brain is affected by neurodegenerative disease, and treatments for these effects," said Isabel. "I am excited to take part in a research project I am interested in, and work alongside other researchers to expand my knowledge on medical imaging!"

Join us in welcoming the summer fellows to UCSF!